KonMari Tidy Therapy
KonMari Tidy Therapy
Our home is a reflection of our internal state.
An organized and joyful space will bring you clarity so you can focus on what matters in your life. Especially as you are embarking on the journey of parenting.
With a background in Interior Design and working as a Certified KonMari Consultant since 2016, I can help you figure out your needs and implement your vision for your home and family.
” People cannot change their habits without first changing their way of thinking. ” – Marie Kondo
We’ll dig deep into organizing the entire home through the KonMari method, and I’ll support you throughout the entire process. Surrounding yourself with only the things that are positive and spark joy will in turn create a positive transformation in your own personal life and the ones around you.
Here is how we are going to do it
★ Have a vision of your ideal lifestyle
★ Commit to the method
★ Focus on what you want to keep
★ an organized home boosts mental health
★ less clutter reduces stress
★ a clean home helps promote clarity in one’s life
★ promotes mindfulness and focus
★ a tidy home saves you time and allows you to focus on what is important
★ being at home becomes more enjoyable
★ a home filled with only things that spark joy is one more step in becoming aligned with your true self
“The best way to find out what we really need is to get rid of what we don’t.”
- Marie Kondo
I hired Ana Pastor to help me with two projects; moving and expanding my clinic from and updating our vacation rental cabin. Personally, I really enjoyed working with Ana because she is relaxed, professional and fun. Ana was great about incorporating things I already have into the design and confirmed choices I had already made which gave me confidence to go ahead and make selections. I love how the clinic turned out. The space is really inviting and my patients keep saying how peaceful it is.
The cabin was already a successful vacation rental that, after 10 years, needed some updating. I love the selections that Ana helped me make to create an updated and very comfortable getaway that appeals to all ages.
Ana was an amazing person to work with for our office remodel! She was not only sensitive to our real-world budget but was totally on top of every possible detail that came up during the course of the work. There were more than a few times when she was proactive in dealing with the vendors in ways that saved us serious headaches from happening down the road. We now have a beautifully cohesive, on-brand workspace that our clients and employees love!
Am intalnit-o pe Ana Pastor in cadrul BNI, s-a prezentat foarte natural si a spus ca in 2022 clientul ei ideal e o persoana care a intrat in process de introspectie, a participat la ateliere de dezvoltare personala, a citit carti, si simte o nevoie de ajutor. Omul care intelege si simte ca are un blocaj. Care vrea sa fie bine! Vorbea de mine. Eu aveam sa ii devin clientul ideal.
Atunci cand Ana a intrat in casa si a inteles ce imi doresc si unde vreau sa ajung a inceput sa faca o planificare pe zile in cel mai ideal mod de a termina. Am inteles diferenta de eficienta cu un om instruit. Ce reusisem sa fac eu in doua zile singura, cu ea am reusit in mai putin de cateva ore. Selectia era efectiv mai clara si mai usoara. Nu am simtit nici o presiune si tot procesul ma ajuta azi sa pun si mai putina presiune pe mine. Daca nu ma pot hotari asupra unui aspect il las sa se aseze pana imi va veni raspunsul. Ana a fost cea mai incantata de camera care ajunsese sa fie depozitare. Efectiv nu aveai unde calca. Ii sclipeau ochii de-a binelea, ba chiar a aplaudat. Abia astepta sa se apuce impreuna cu mine si copiii mei.
Ana este o femeie complexa, dintr-o bucata cu multă experiența in coaching fiind formată chiar de Dr. Shefali și Marie Kondo in SUA. Norocul nostru e ca ea a hotărât sa se întoarcă in România după 20 de ani de State. Norocul e acum al meu ca se afla in casa mea.
Tot procesul asta mi-a adus liniste si claritate. Spatiu in minte si loc in inima pentru mai bine. Ca sa pot sa inspir oameni mai departe. A meritat investitia? Cu varf si indesat!