Consiliere Postnatală
Consiliere Postnatală
Se spune că avem nevoie de un sat întreg pentru a ne putea crește copiii și mai ales atunci când aducem pe lume primul nostru miracol. Fiecare proaspăt părinte știe cât de prețioase sunt aceste cuvinte, totuși cei mai mulți dintre noi ne simțim singuri, și fără prea mult ajutor. Asta se intâmplă din cauza culturi din lumea modernă, una unde majoritatea lumii e ocupată sau are alte priorități. Satul nu mai este ceea ce a fost odată.
Cu mai bine de 7 ani experienta ca coach la nașteri, doula pe perioada postnatală, educator prenatal si coach de parenting conștient, te pot ajuta în toate aspectele astea, și dacă e doar pentru câteva ore. Te voi susține și ajuta să întelegi ce se întâmplă cu tine, de ce ai atât tu cât și noul tău bebeluș nevoie, pentru a reuși să creezi un sat mic imprejurul familiei tale.
” We spend so much time planning for labor and delivery, but no one prepares you for your body and heart after you leave the hospital. ” – postpartum together

★ Ai ajuns acasă cu minunea vieții tale și nu ști încotro să o apuci.
★ Te simiți copleșită de toate schimbările și simți că ai nevoie de răspunsuri la toate întrebările ce apar după naștere.
★ Ai provocări și probleme în alăptare, și nu ști ce să faci
★ Dorești să procesezi nașterea cu cineva care te poate asculta fără judecată și te va ajuta sa integrezi povestea pentru o vindecare cât mai completă atât fizic cât și mintal și emoțional.
Ofer sesiuni de suport si consiliere (coaching) conștientă bazat pe nevoile tale.
Vin la tine acasă sau ne conectăm pe zoom pentru o ora jumătate pentru a vedea ce se intâmplă și să găsim soluții problemelor cu care te confrunți.
Vrei să oferi un cadou unei mamici proaspete care chiar e de ajutor. Daruiește-i un pachet de 3 sau 6 sesiuni de susținere postnatală.
★ Când te simți îngrijită și susținută, te simți mai în siguranță în noul tău rol de părinte
★ Reduceți riscul de depresie postnatală
★ Mai mult succes cu alăptarea
★ E o oportunitate de a afla despre etapele de dezvoltare a bebelușului și cum să îl îngrijești
★ Mai multă armonie în casă și între părinți
★ A chance to integrate your birth experience and step into your new identity as a parent with acceptance, confidence and self love
” You do not have to suffer in silence, or feel ashamed. Our babies need us to be healthy during a time when we are overwhelmed the most.”
- Brittany Willow
It is hard for me to express how much Ana helped me through the first months of parenthood. I’m a first time mother and my husband has a very demanding job. I also had a c-section, which made recovery even more challenging. Ana quickly became my favorite person. I would look at the clock with desperation waiting for her to come.
.Ana was very helpful in helping me understand my baby developmental milestones, how to nurse her, hold her, bathe her. She even helped me when I was learning to pump. I had no idea how to do any of this stuff and, trust me, I read every book and went to classes. When you’re exhausted and have a crying baby, you need someone there to help you in person. She was there with resources and positive, non-judgmental support. Her goal is to make sure mom, dad and baby are happy. For example, I had to switch to formula earlier than I wanted to and Ana coached me through it and gave me some great resources for how to switch and fantastic formula options.
Also, my baby girl LOVED Ana. She’s so calm – her energy is perfect for babies. I would hear her singing and speaking softly to my baby girl and I knew we were in good hands…
Trust me. Ana is the best investment you can make when you are a new parent.

Having Ana as a member of our birth and postpartum experience with our twin girls has been completely invaluable. Her presence, knowledge, and resources of information allowed us to feel more informed and prepared for welcoming our little ladies. During the birth, my husband and I felt completely supported and cared for by Ana. Is was so incredibly helpful to have such a grounded and comforting source during all aspects of the labor and delivery! Additionally knowing that her support would continue once we brought the girls home was such a relief. With all of the unknowns of being a new parent and a new parent of two babies it has been so helpful to have Ana’s continued hands on support that always goes above and beyond to provide the best for us and our girls!

It’s hard to imagine having had our baby without Ana’s help and guidance. We are very grateful that she was with us and provided us with her care and expertise. She assisted us through a lengthy delivery, helped us think through important steps, and guided us through the complicated decision making process involved in a delivery that went completely contrary to our birthing plan. Ana’s guidance started way before the due date. We received helpful articles and Youtube video links months before to help us prepare. She answered our questions, and was an excellent communicator while we were still expecting. I hoped to deliver through a natural water birth. Ana supported our plan 100% but advised us to keep an open mind, as births often don’t go exactly as planned. Ana came with us to the hospital, and was by our side during the 60 hours that it took for our son to be born through what ended up being a C-section. Ana helped me with positions that would soothe the pain of contractions, breathing exercises (and more) and acted as a liaison between us and the hospital staff. The fact that she was there with us gave both the feeling that everything was under control. When our son was born, Ana was there and helped us through the first days of being new parents. She showed me how to breastfeed, how to soothe our baby, how to sterilize bottles and much more. We were very fortunate that she stayed with us for a few days after the delivery. I had to recover not only from several hours of labor but also from the C-section. Knowing that my son was well taken care of by Ana gave me peace of mind and I could relax and catch up on some much needed sleep. Extra bonus was that Ana made amazing photos all throughout the process. I can’t do her justice in a brief testimonial and there might be details I am leaving out. All in all we will remember Ana’s help and guidance for the rest of our lives.